Vintage Papers

Gardiner is on the road again. She emailed me a picture of these vintage papers she saw at a gallery in L.A. I have no idea what they are but I could see them printed on fabrics and that would be fun. I guess my mind has lately been stuck on fabrics and that is where it first wonders to…


Photo of favorite thing

It is year 2021 and time is already slipping away… I received an email from Gardiner with a photo of a mug. It is actually in response to an email I wrote last year asking what her favorite thing around the house is.



Photos from Texas

When I last spoke with Gardiner, she was settling back into Chicago life after her one month long california trip. She told me she was already preparing for another road trip to Texas. A few weeks later I received photos from Texas. Lots of outdoor time where it is sunny in Texas unlike the cold Chicago winter.


Continue reading “Photos from Texas”

Photos from California 2

A month long trip to California is coming to an end for Gardiner. She emails me with some images taken at her final destination on the itinerary. It is the National Park in California called Manzanar National Historic Site. I look up to find that it is one of the camp sites in the United States where more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were incarcerated during World War II. Looking at the pictures I cannot help but wonder “what kept the hopes of Japanese Americans alive?”

ガーディナーのカリフォルニアでの滞在も 終わりに近づき、シカゴへと帰路に就く。旅の最後の目的地から写真が送られてくる。今回の旅の中でもガーディナーにとって大きな位置を占めている場所、マンザナー国定史跡。第二次世界大戦で1万2千人以上の日系アメリカ人が収容されたマンザナー強制収容所の跡地。カラカラの大地、来る日も来る日もひたすら耐える、何を心の頼りにして生活していたのかなどを想像してしまう。


Photos from California

Gardiner is in California at the moment. Pictures were taken while out on her walk in Japan town, San Jose. Due to the corona virus situation only a few restaurants were open she explained. The images she shares leave certain impressions; quiet, secretive and even lonely.



Photos of Family

I asked Gardiner if she could share photos from when she was little. Through these photos I feel as though I get a glimpse of her history and history that connects her and I via Japanese roots. Connecting the dots. I am left with more questions.



Photos from Chicago

Photos that Gardiner shares with me over our email exchange. They allow me to see her life through her lenses and our interaction feels much more personal and close.

