What is creative exchange

Creative Exchange is a homestay / artist residency where we offer a place to stay in exchange for a creative contribution to the Kokono project.

We welcome creatives of all sorts at Kokono house in Omihachiman, Shiga to experience life in a small, quiet Japanese city, explore the local community, and venture out to other areas in Japan. Your time at Kokono could be quiet and contemplative or filled with deep exploration into a specific area of interest. We are here as your host, and would like to help make your time at Kokono well-spent.

During your stay we ask the artist to be willing to open their studio space and share their creative process with children in the community on a regular basis. The details of how this comes to be are very flexible, but we seek artists who are open and excited with the prospects of engaging with members of local community, especially children.  

Creative Exchangeは、一定期間日本に滞在し創作活動をしたいアーティストをKokonoで受け入れるプログラムです。アーティストと共に学び合える機会や交流の場を作りたいと思っています。


言葉や文化の違いを超えた繫がりが生まれてほしいという思いを込めて、Creative Exchange、始動します!